Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Today, A Project

Welcome back to blogging, I'm saying to myself right now. It's been a long time, as most of the posts I made "recently" said over and over. The last few times I've blogged here, I said I was back to stay and yadda yadda. Of course, I then faded into obscurity, as the very real demands of the real world kept getting in the way. Not that there's a problem with IRL demands, but they definitely got in the way of some of the things I've wanted to do with my life - namely, write.

I'm definitely an aspiring writer, but I'm feeling a little out of practice. I've recently invested in a new MacBook Pro to replace my dying Windows netbook. I've had an Apple laptop since around 2002, one of the old iBook G3s that were made out of white plastic. I accidentally threw that thing once. I put it in my carry bag, forgot to zip it, then went to throw that over my shoulder, and BAM the laptop flies out of the bag and crashes into a cabinet before hitting the hard, tile floor. Crazily enough, I picked up the laptop, turned it on (panicking the whole time), and it worked. Booted right up and everything. The case cracked, and that was it. I've been super-loyal to Apple ever since. Fast forward 9 years, the thing still works. Just so you know.

Anyway, I wrote my first stories on my old Apple iBook, so there's something about using a Mac that makes me want to write. Which brings me back to the point of my new project. Sitting and staring at my laptop screen, I can tell I'm completely out of touch with writing. My brain doesn't want to function on that level any more. My writing hat is damaged.

So, here's my slightly early, new year resolution. I will blog every day. Yes, I said it, every day. Every. Single. Freaking. Day. From now until I get my groove back. It doesn't matter if it's a short post no longer than a tweet, or a great novel-length post, there will be something here every day. And words too, not just pictures. Posting a picture kind of violates the purpose of the project.

I need a catchy name for this project, something short that can be made into a Twitter hash tag and can be used as a label for these posts. Any ideas? Hit me up in the comments.

This here counts as my first post, as I slowly fade from consciousness, thinking to myself how I probably should have gone to bed a couple of hours ago.

Anyway, I hope this is an exciting and productive journey, and I'd like to look back on this in a year's time and think of how awesome this was. We'll see. In the meantime, enjoy yourself as I continue to fiddle with these new (and rather annoying) dynamic views in blogger.

While you're at it, you should follow me on Twitter and/or Google+. I'm usually very active on both services.

Good night.

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