Monday, August 03, 2009

Transformers: ROTF Box Office and Other Movie News

So, we are inching ever closer to the $400M mark for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. This is important only because the movie would become the lowest-critically-scored move to break that mark. Considering my general love for that movie, I think it would be a blast to see the movie break that mark. We're only 2-3 weeks out from just that.

So, over the weekend, Harry Potter took over IMAX theaters, booting ROTF out across most of the country. As such, sales slipped. The movie pulled in an estimated $4.6 million, bringing the domestic total to $388.1M. On the foreign front, the movie has raked in a staggering $417.9M with a total global gross of $806M. All this makes Revenge of the Fallen the 9th biggest domestic movie ever, and the 20th movie globally.

I watched Eagle Eye with a friend and his girlfriend yesterday. I'm pretty sure they liked it even more than I did. "In the top 10 best movies ever!" according to him.

I did not, however, have the chance I was hoping for to watch A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints, so the review will be postponed a little. Perhaps later this week I'll find a chance to fit this in.

G.I Joe comes out this week, and I will be seeing it on Friday. Look for a review soon thereafter. I really want to like this movie, but the cynic in me keeps nagging about how this is going to be all effects and little or no plot. I hope this isn't the case and I'm just being overly pessimistic.

I just today heard some interesting details around the forthcoming Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time movie, slated for release in 2010. The movie will star Jake Gyllenhaal as the title character, Prince Dastan, with Gemma Arterton as Princess (from a rival kingdom) Tamina. Suffice it to say, I am skeptical of Gyllenhaal as the Prince - his is certainly not the first name that crossed my mind when I thought of actors for the lead role in this one. If you check out the poster (linked above) he certainly looks the part, but we'll see.

More interestingly, both Ben Kingsley and Alfred Molina are also in the movie. Kinglsey plays the role of Nizam, and Molina is Sheik Amar. These two lend a certain credibility to the movie and definitely pique my interest in seeing it.

Random thought: The movie is subtitled The Sands of Time, which was the first game in Ubisoft's reimagining of the series, but Jake's costume is from Warrior Within, the second game in the new series (with a re-reimagined, and darker, Prince).

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