Friday, July 31, 2009

Random News for a Friday

Good afternoon, everybody!

I watched my first Blu Ray movie last night. Anybody want to guess what it was? If you guessed Transformers, well, you'd be correct. It was a great experience, watching that movie in true HD glory. Some of the effects stood out in a way they hadn't before (even on HD DVD), but it was still a great ride.

Having watched the movie earlier this month on HD DVD, it was pretty obvious to me why BD won out in the format wars. The picture and sound quality was miles better on blu Ray than it was on HD DVD, and the metric ton of extra features (including some very spiffy downloads from BD Live) was an added bonus.

And, of coruse, the movie kicked serious ass too. As always.

I also watched Serenity. The PS3 is good enough to upconvert standard DVDs to 1080p for anybody using an HDMI cable (and really, why wouldn't you?). Watching Summer Glau kick tremendous amounts of ass in full 1080p glory was, for lack of a better term, glorious. the special effects were definitely showing their age, but the humor and fascinating story/characters were more than enough to make up for the dated CGI.

I ordered Blu Ray versions of both The Dark Knight and The Da Vinci Code from Amazon yesterday, as well as The Greatest Game Ever Played and A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints on standard DVD. I'm a Prime member, so I get free 2-day shipping. I was surprised to find that my package was delivered this morning, however. I lvoe Amazon.

I had never heard of A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints until a friend and fellow Shia LaBeouf fan told me I just had to see it. Can't miss movie, he says. So, I picked it up for a small fee on Amazon, and I'm holding it right now. Quite the cast this one has: Robert Downey Jr of recent Iron Man fame, Shia LaBeouf, Channing Tatum of soon to be G.I. Joe fame (assuming the movie is any good... here's to hoping), the lovely Rosario Dawson, and Chazz Palminteri (his dirty bastard cop character in Running Scared always comes to mind when I think of him). The movie took Best Director and Best Ensemble awards at the Sundance Film Festival in 2006, which pretty much means the directing and cast rock face. I plan on watching the film this weekend, so expect a review soon.

Speaking of Amazon and Movies, both Star Trek and Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen are up for pre-order now. They've got the release date for Star Trek set at November 19 with no scheduled date for Transformers. November can't quite get here fast enough.

In other news, fellow magic player and humorist extraordinaire Kyle Sanchez posted the following Tweet: Left my windows down and a bird white dirrhea shit three times in it.

Good times. His spelling is awful, I know.

I also watched Disturbia last night. That's another movie that people generally think is bad that I've got a soft spot for. The movie is deliciously suspenseful, and it manages to walk the line between teen romance comedy and suspense thriller rather well. The typical Shia gushing aside, my favorite part of this movie has to be David Morse. Morse plays such an amazingly badass bad guy, I could just go on and on about it. He's got hardcore serial killer down pat in this movie. I'm not terribly familiar with his work, but he was in six episodes of House as the narcissistic Michael Tritter, a detective with a lust for getting revenge on everybody's favorite M.D. This is also the only movie I've seen in which Carrie-Anne Moss is even remotely tolerable (OK, she was all right in Memento too, but still).

Anyway, Magic tourney tomorrow, followed by a weekend of movie viewing. I'm running a Warp World combo deck that I haven't figured out a sideboard for yet. Wish me luck, I'm probably going to need it!

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