Monday, July 13, 2009

I Finally Bought a PlayStation 3

So, I finally broke down and bought myself a PS3. I snagged a nice deal with a 160GB model, extra controller and 2 games (Uncharted: Drake's Fortune and Infamous) for under $500. Woot.

But why? I've been an Xbox 360 loyalist since day 1, and I still believe it is the better system with better games. BUT, it does not play high definition movies. I've long been able to just not care that much, as I've been content with standard definition. However, after last weekend watching Transformers on my outdated HD DVD player and the slew of good HD-worthy movies that came out this summer, the time has come for me to invest in a BluRay player. And since I'm also a gamer, the PS3 seems like a logical option for that. It should be here the end of this week or beginning of next week. I can't wait.

In the world of gaming, there are very few games that I want to play on the PS3 that I can't already play on my 360. Simply stated, I still think the 360 is a better system, because it has more of the games that I want to play. That being said, there some games that I've been tempted to buy a PS3 just so I could play. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune was certainly one of them. In fact, ever since I saw the first preview for it in Game Informer, I've wanted to play that game. Story and event driven gameplay, graphics and physics that showed us what the vaunted PS3 hardware could do, and STORY driven gameplay. Few things are cooler than that. Now, I get to play it, and the forthcoming sequel to boot.

Who saw the E3 trailer for the new Uncharted game? It looked jaw-droppingly good, and by itself it might've been enough to push me to buy a PS3 when it came out. Talk about intense gameplay! It looks remarkable, and here it is.

Anyway, the only other PS3 exclusive that's come out so far that has me interested is Infamous, which is supposed to be similar to Prototype (you are a badass with special powers running around an apocalyptic city killing things) but better. Sign me up. Expect reviews of both that and Uncharted: Drake's Fortune soon after I receive them.

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