Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Why Do People Like Sarah Palin Again?

It seems like a legit question to me. Why do you like or support Sarah Palin? It doesn't seem like she's done much in the way of actual notable political anything. She has no foreign policy experience, and quite frankly, she seems more likely to talk about her kids and her makeup than anything of political relevance. So, why would you even start to think she'd make a good President of the United States?

This story comes on the heels of the former vice presidential candidate's new book, Going Rogue. At first glance, I thought the book was called Going Rouge, which may have been a more fitting title. Instead it's called Going Rogue: An American Life, which is the most retarded title I've ever heard for a politician's memoir. Perhaps the only thing she can be referencing with the Going Rogue portion of the title is when she unceremoniously stepped down as the Governor of Alaska. That was a pretty roguish move. Considering that she doesn't know much about America or its history (according to members of McCain's election crew), I'd hardly call hers An American Life.

In any case, the press has been abuzz about her slanted - sometimes outright untrue - view on things in her life. Mosey on over here for an example - or, rather, 10 such examples.Yet, regardless of her incompotency or her willingness fib straight through that everywoman soccer mom visage she's got going on, people still think she's all that and a bag of chips.

Enter this fascinating video. Fans in this video are lined up outside a Borders in Columbus, OH waiting for glorious Palin to sign their hardcover edition of Palin's Fibalicious Views of the World: A Secluded and Uneducated Life. The folks who made this video are interviewing them about why they like Palin. The answers are... revealing, to put it nicely. Answers include the inspiring "she's real," and "she shares my values." Since when is lying about pretty much everything a "value"... or "real" for that matter? In any case, check out this video, bask in the warm glow of idiotic answers.

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