Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Score

So, in anticipation of what could be the summer's best movie - it would first have to dethrone the amazing Star Trek - I went out and picked up the Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen score yesterday from iTunes. By "went out" I really mean I clicked "Buy Album" while eating dinner last night, but you get the point... right?

Anyway, the score is simply astounding. Jablonsky is in top form here, delivering yet another score that is both action-y and powerful at the same time. It incorporates several of the themes from the first Transformers score (though we are sadly missing the Scorponok theme) while expanding its horizons into brand spankin' new territory. In fact, we barely hear anything resembling themes from the first score until the track entitled "Forest Battle" which is a good 2/3 of the way into the CD. But when the music settles into the familiar structures, it's a triumphant return, and the effect is chilling.

I am very interested to see how this great score fits into the movie. I won't lie, I am terribly excited about this film (even though the Tomatometer is currently sitting at a depressing 21% - that translates, at the time of this writing, into 29/109 "fresh" ratings. To put that into perspective, The Pink Panther 2 scored 13%, and my worst movie of the summer, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, scored higher with 37%. Yikes).

Two years ago, Transformers won the Best Movie of 2007 award on my old MySpace blog, so my expectations are high for Bay, LaBeouf, and company. What made the first one so good was a relatable lead, an interesting, entertaining (even if not deep) story line, and some sick special effects for the 'bots. Couple those things with the amazing score that brought the entire movie to life, and you had a summer blockbuster to remember. Here we are, 2 years later, with the sequel that begs to be seen by anybody who even remotely enjoyed the first movie. Assuming Revenge of the Fallen keeps intact that which the first movie did correctly, this should be another fun (if not terribly deep) flick.

Anyway, I've got the ticket to see the film on IMAX tomorrow at 7:30. I hope to have the review published either Thursday night or Friday morning, depending on what goes on after the movie. Stop by soon for the full lowdown.

Until then.

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