Friday, June 05, 2009

Crunchberries Are Not Actual Berries

Apparently, California resident Janine Sugarawa needs a lesson in real food versus brightly colored cereal puffs. She sued Quaker (on behalf of herself and other consumers who are as dumb as she is), claiming that their marketing led her to believe that Crunchberries were, in fact, a real fruit. She claimed the use of the word "berries" in conjunction with the brightly colored puff balls being "thrust" at the consumer on the box's picture were the things that misled her. 

I don't know about you, but those don't look like any berries I've ever seen. Besides, the front of the box clearly states that Crunchberries is a "Sweetened Corm & Oat Cereal". No reasonable consumer would think they're real. 

The court shut this case down pretty quickly, thankfully. Thanks to Lowering the Bar for the entertaining story.


jason said...

That's awesome. I sincerely hope the case is dismissed soon, then we start the case of the fucking retarded wasting the time of courts on people being baffled by a cereal box.

Brian (Nunchux) said...

The case actually has already been dismissed. The judge declared that any reasonable consumer would realize that they aren't really fruit that grows on trees. But I agree with you in that this was an utter waste of the court's time. You'd think any reasonable lawyer would have laughed at her for even thinking to sue and this never would have even made it this far.

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