Thursday, April 23, 2009

Stupidity Personified

Have you ever seen the show Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? It tries to show that 5th graders know more of what is considered "basic" knowledge than adults. They usually succeed in showing this, as many adults just don't know that much.

Well, here's a thought. Perhaps we should put the members of the House of Representatives on that show to find out what they know. I'm really, really curious as to how this particular Representative was ever elected into office, as he's clearly dumber than the cows he used to herd. He asks what may be the dumbest question ever uttered on the floor.

Basically, Representative Joe Barton (R-Tex.) asks Doctor Chu where oil comes from. This (obviously) befuddles the good doctor, who was not able to do much but stutter out a brief lesson on the origins of oil, and because of that, Barton tweeted that he actually stumped the doctor AND he posted the video on YouTube. Little does he realize that the video actually reveals him for a ignoramus he is. Check it out for yourself.

Once you finish cleaning up the spot on your desk where your jaw impacted it, here's the transcript:

Barton: You’re our scientist. I have one simple question for you in the last six seconds. How did all the oil and gas get to Alaska and under the Arctic Ocean?
Chu: (laughs) This is a complicated story, but oil and gas is the result of hundreds of millions of years of geology, and in that time also the plates have moved around, and so, um, it’s the combination of where the sources of the oil and gas are–
Barton: But, but wouldn’t it obvious that at one time it was a lot warmer in Alaska and on the North Pole. It wasn’t a big pipeline that we created in Texas and shipped it up there and then put it under ground so that we can now pump it out and ship it back.
Chu: No. There are–there’s continental plates that have been drifting around throughout the geological ages–
Barton: So it just drifted up there?
Chu: That’s certainly what happened. And so it’s a result of things like that.

Emphasis added to point out the most absurd statement in the transcript. I'm curious as to what warmth has to do with.... never mind. There's no point in trying. As we say at work: You can't fix stupid.

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