Friday, April 17, 2009

Southland - Ep 2: Mozambique

I need to write this. I wasn't going to, but I finished this episode and I just need to share it. I absolutely cannot believe how great this show is. This is quickly climbing the list of my favorite TV shows. What's so exceptional about it? Like any TV show worth the time to watch it, it's the characters that make this show work. They are unbelieveably deep, moreso than I had first realized when I posted about the first episode, and they have me craving more. I canNOT wait until next Thursday so I can see another episode.

My favorite character thusfar is Ben Sherman (as played by the rather talented Ben McKenzie), a rookie cop in his first days on the job. He's training under John Cooper, the hardass training officer who's showing Ben the ropes, what the force is like in the real world. The interactions between the two, particularly the way Ben reacts to the gruff way that Joe treats him, are just awesome. There is some heavy-duty acting going on in this show, and it pays off in really bringing the characters to life like few shows can. I find myself kind of rooting him on, willing him to succeed in the face of a hardass partner who doesn't really like him, at least on the surface. In the second episode, we learn why Ben is such a great shot, and his story actually made me sad, I felt for him, and that's a huge deal for me, seeing as I rarely actually feel for fictitious characters. It also brought back memories of a few comments Joe made in the first episode, and Ben's reaction to those comments suddenly make a lot of sense. Great writing (and acting).

The other really awesome character in the show is Detective Lydia Adams (played by the lovely Regina King). She's got a strong personality and fits the role of a detective well, but she also has a soft side that's endearing. She's kind of this humanizing figure, reminding us that these cops are really people too. In Mozambique, she fights for the mother of an abandoned child, and it's truly heartwarming to see it happen.

Oh man, I am pumped about watching this show again next week. This show is kind of what I keep wanting Law and Order to be, and it pulls it off so well, it's a bit hard to describe. So, I'll stop trying. You can watch Mozambique right under this paragraph (courtesy, as always, of Also, for those of you who missed the pilot episode (what were you thinking???),  you can see that here.

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