Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Southland - Ep 3: See the Girl

Preface: It is hard to find pictures of this show, because a search for "Southland pictures" yields a ton of results for Southland Tales, a movie starring The Rock and Stiffler.... and not nearly as cool as a similarly-named TV show. Anyway...

I'm just giddy every time I watch this show. Yes, I know, I'm almost a week behind on this one, but damn, it was still great. 

The more I watch the show, the more Ben and John grow on me. This was really their episode, and as they continue to grow as characters and as people, my interest in them does likewise. This episode gives us some more background as they compare their fathers and their level of bastard-ness. The final scene introduced Ben's father and was just a great TV moment as he wordlessly turned and walked away. And the bombshell that was John's revalation of his father's crime... wow. This show defines epic TV. More people should be watching it. 

Perhaps more interesting than Ben and Joe individually is the dynamic that exists when both are together. They are slowly developing a firendship, becoming true partners rather than just having a trainer/trainee relationship. I can't wait to continue to watch this develop.

This episode barely had time to run through the other characters. Lydia made a few spot appearances, but other characters like Sal and Sammy made no showing at all. We got plenty of the ever-annoying Dewey (who was supposed to be retiring after episode 2, but I guess not) and Wade, the actor who got pulled over in episode 1. I'd like to punch him in the face in theis episode. It may not sound great, but there have to be some characters that I don't like, right?

Oh, and whoever the basketball player was should be smacked. I'd hit somebody like that... in the face, with a shovel. 

Anyway, check out the newest episode over at Hulu. Tune in tomorrow (well, technically later today) for my thoughts on Heroes Volume 4 and the season finale that has everybody talking (well, at least where I work everybody is talking). As usual, my opinion is quite the opposite of those I've heard so far. Until then.

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