Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Kings Ep 2 Prosperity and Ep 3 First Night

What can I say about this show other than WOW!!! Kings continues to get better as the episodes go on. There are easily 5 or 6 things going on at any one time, and the way they keep crossing... sweetness. In episode 3, Michael Stahl-David of Cloverfield fame has a role, and I hope that's a recurring role as he's awesome. 

Also, Allison Miller is just great as Michelle, the princess and David's love interest. The plot setup that gets David to not attend the ballet is just great. And the sub plot with the reverend....  The role of religion in this show befuddles me. It's obviously a huge part of society, and portents abound, but what is the overall meaning of everything?I suppose that's something I'm going to have to wait a good long time to find out. Let's just hope that enough people are watching this show and loving it as much as I am to keep the show on the air. 

I think that Jack might be my new favorite character in the show. His personality is deep and I get the feeling that we are just scratching the surface. Yes, he's a complete ass hat, but his personality is fascinating. 

The end of Episode 3 jsut completely blew my mind. What the hell?????

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