Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Heroes Volume 5 Ep 6 - Strange Attractors

First off, my apologies for skipping out on the summary of last week's episode, but I've been oddly busy the last several days.

In any case, I haven't been this excited about Heroes since season 1. This season is really starting to turn up the tension, and that hasn't been more evident than in this most recent episode.

My initial liking of the episode came from Sylar, as we once again (finally) were treated to more of his torturing Matt Parkman. God, this story line is GREAT, and it just keeps getting better. For example, Sylar's first line in the episode was, ahem, "Forbidden fruit.... my favorite kind." In context, Sylar had taken over control of Parkman's body and had sex with his wife. This was shortly followed by Sylar and Parkman arguing, during which time, this line came up: "That is the second Parkman I've made scream today." Comic gold. Sylar is at his insidious best in this story, and I demand that they keep it up.

In other stories, Claire and Gretchen as well as two other stereotypical girls (the terrified blonde and the pseudo-strong black chick) are "kidnapped" by the heads of their sorority and put to a scavenger hunt in a very Saw-esque creepy slaughterhouse. During this time, the head of the sorority, who we had found out a couple of weeks ago was working with Samuel in his carnival and who can also turn herself invisible, was trying to kill Gretchen. You see, Samuel wants Claire to join his family at the carnival, and to accomplish this, he wants little invisible woman to make Claire isolated, which means killing off her best friend/lesbian lover Gretchen (blech). I was almost hoping that invisible girl would succeed if only so I didn't have to put up with Gretchen, whose lack of acting talent still drives me batty. Alas, Claire was too smart, and she foiled the murderous plans and exposed the head of the sorority as the invisible chick. In the process she was stabbed with a metal rod, and she ended up healing herself right in front of the stereotype twins. Uh oh, the secret's out. I guess she can kiss her normal life goodbye.

Speaking of Samuel...

In the last episode, we were introduced to Jeremy, who had the power to heal, and the power to kill. He can give life and take it away. Anyway, in the previous episode, he blows Peter's chest out with a shotgun then ends up healing him. Noah, who had previously had the kid's mind wiped by the Hatian, takes pity on the kid and decides to help him out. You see, the kid killed his parents, and Noah wants to make sure he can hide the kid away. The cops have other ideas, though, as they know he killed his parents and want him to pay. Noah calls in Tracy (lovely Tracy). He gets some fake papers to show that she is his aunt, she makes a connection with him via the fact that they both misused their powers, and he ends up going free. As they are walking to Noah's car from the jail, there is a crowd of angry townsfolk who don't agree with his release. One of said protesters charges Jeremy and ends up dying for it. Suffice it to say, they march him right back into the jail. Except... not.

One of the deputies gets the brilliant idea to get some justice, vigilante style. This deputy and his friend tie Jeremy to the bumper of his friend's truck via a chain... you can picture the rest. It was a horrifying scene, memorable because it was emotional and really hit home. The writers deserve some serious kudos for this one. This is powerful TV here folks.

Now where was I? Oh, right, Samuel. Did I mention that Samuel came to Tracy before she sprang the kid? Well, he did. He implored her to bring the kid to the carnival (using his seeming powers of teleportation to take them both from the dusty town to the carnival) where he could feel at home, be among people who loved him. He told Tracy that she was welcome there as well, and gave her a compass she could use to find her way back.

Noah and Tracy end up finding Jeremy's body later that night, battered and bloody, a truly heart-wrenching scene. All I could think of was how scummy those cops were...

Tracy, on the other hand, gets angry with Noah and demands that he never call her again. I felt awful for Noah here, as he is finally doing something good with his life, helping people instead of bagging and tagging... and it blew up straight in his face. Anyway, Tracy ends up alone in her car contemplating the compass.

With that, we finally get to the end, and they certainly didn't disappoint in the cliffhanger department. Here we go:
  • Parkman gets drunk and blacks out. He gets drunk because he believes it is a way to banish Sylar. Silly boy. While he is blacked out, Sylar "slips in" and takes permanent control of Parkman's body, leaving the real Parkman in the "you are just a hallucination" role. Truly a brilliant twist, and they used some neat camera tricks here. This was a very tasty way to escalate the Parkman vs Sylar story.
  • In the final scene, we see Samuel, angry and vengeful, walk up to the bloody patch on the road where Tracy and Noah found Jeremy's dead body. It's within view of the police station. We watch the deputy and his friend walk into the station, then watch as Samuel brings the entire building down on their heads before turning and walking away. It was a profound moment, one that hits home on many different levels. We have yet to figure out what Samuel's ulterior motives are, but here he is exacting sweet revenge on those that murdered a Hero. And boy oh boy, was it sweet.
We'll see where all this goes next week. Until then...

The best: Samuel bringing down the house
The worst: The death of Jeremy. But that's the worst part in a good way. In a not-so-good way, they teased us with Gretchen's death but didn't actually kill her. Damn them all!
Line of the Week: "That is the second Parkman I've made scream today." -Sylar, to Matt Parkman

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