Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Heroes Volume 5 Ep 4 - Hysterical Blindness

Last week we left off with Sylar diggin out of Nathan Petrelli's shallow grave, and this week we pick up with him wandering dazedly down the road, bloodied, and we soon see him arrested. His story revolves mostly around him trying to figure out who he is. On the other side of the table, we have the sympathetic therapist and the asshole cop. The therapist tries to work with Sylar to discover who he really is... then hardass detective comes back with a fingerprint match that ties this lost Sylar to his former life as Gabriel Gray, and tells the cops that he killed his mother. Queue Sylar using powers instinctively without understanding what is happening. The acting here was absurdly brilliant.

The whole journey was really quite entertaining. It was interesting watching Quinto play Sylar as a broken husk of a man, and it was fascinating watching as Sylar struggled to remember who he is. This blank slate Sylar is more awesome than both the evil Sylar and the confused pseudo-good-guy Sylar, and that's a great thing for his character. I'm not sure yet how he stands up to taunting-Parkman Sylar, but we'll just have to wait and see.

The episode also puts us back into touch with Emma and Peter with a particularly fascinating comparison between the two characters. First we have Peter who is trying to get back in touch with his mother, who is busy worrying about the fate of the now (presumably) dead Nathan. On the other hand, we have Emma who is trying to shrug off her mother's concerns about her mental stability. Peter ends up saving Emma from being run over by a bus and in turn, gains her power to "see" sounds. They have a touching bonding moment at a piano with both of them seeing the vibrant colors of the music in what amounts to a trippy acid experience. Cool, but it lasted a bit long for my tastes.

Moving on, we had Claire who has an invite to join the sorority of which her mother was a part. Of course, she brings along the horrible actress who plays the horrid Gretchen. Stuff happens, then Claire ends up joining the sorority with Gretchen. The happenings between Gretchen and Claire during the episode end up with them kissing, which was an underwhelming moment, given all the hype for it. Perhaps part of it is that Gretchen is fugly as hell...

On the more interesting side of things, Samuel promises that Jacob's seat at the table will be filled by the end of the day. Little do we realize who that seat will be filled by...

Heroes this season is trademarking ridiculously awesome cliffhanger endings. There were several of them this week. Here we go!
  • We learn that Rebecca, the head of Claire's new sorority is working for Samuel. She has been responsible for all the goings-on in Claire's life including her old room mate's "suicide"and the mysteriously appearing suicide note, her stumbling upon evidence that Gretchen was stalking her (it turns out that Gretchen was "crushing"... hence the kiss), and was responsible for making it look like Gretchen was trying to kill other people to whom Claire would talk. Epic. Maybe Rebecca will kill Gretchen sometime soon. that would be lovely.
  • Emma finds she can use her power to destroy things.
  • Hiro appears in Peter's apartment and promptly collapses.
  • Sylar ends up escaping from jail, his therapist driving him out into the back woods, where he ends up getting shot. She allows him to run away after seeing that he healed himself, and he stumbles over a hill and beholds... the Sullivan Brothers Carnival. Holy shit. Samuel welcomes him inside, and as the cops chase Sylar over that same hill, the carnival is gone. this begs the question... how the f*** did Samuel pull that stunt? and how did he know exactly where to find Sylar?
Anyhoo, the show is picking up some serious steam. The story pacing is great, most of the stories are fascinating and are moving forward, and I'm super-excited to see what Peter's going to do with Emma's power. More than enough to keep me coming back for some more next week.

Until then...

Worst Part
Gretchen and Claire kissing. Nasty and completely unnecessary.

Best Part
Sylar stumbling into the Sullivan Brother's Carnival.

Line of the Week
"Of course, the chocolate milk is great too!" Claire, to Gretchen.

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