Thursday, October 29, 2009

A Bit About Stargate

My friend Randy has been devoting time recently to introducing me to this TV show called Stargate SG-1. I had decided prior to sitting down and watching my first episode that it wasn't going to be particularly good and therefore a waste of time. Lo and behold, It took about half of that first episode for me to be completely engrossed. The show is smart, it's funny, and it's got some great story. It's been almost a week since the last time I watched it, and I think I'm going into withdrawal.

I was browsing Hulu today, and I happened upon the newest of the Stargate series called SG-U... or Stargate Universe. The first episode was a 2-parter, an hour and a half long, and damn is it fascinating. I haven't caught myself up on the 10+ years of SG-1, nor have I even started my venture to Atlantis, but Randy has filled me in on enough of the story to have a pretty good idea of what's going on. I fell right into this new story and these new characters, and I now have a new weekly must-watch show. Can't wait to get back to it and jump into the second episode.

I'm not sure what it is about the Stargate series, but they seem to always find some really good actors to fill the required roles. The acting in the newest iteration is sharp and intelligent, the folks really bring the on-screen personas to life. Of particular note are Brian J. Smith as Lt. Matthew Scott (and I say that for more than just the fact that he shares my name - coolest name ever!! :-) and Robert Carlyle as Dr. Nicholas Rush. Just from the first episode, I can tell that there is a lot more to these two than meets the eye, and I'm quite excited to see what happens with them. In particular, the dynamic between the two characters is fascinating,and I find myself hoping the show devotes plenty of time to exploring it.

Storyline-wise, so far as I can tell, this is a natural evolution from what I know of the past storylines, and it's ridiculously fascinating to put the missing pieces together in my head.

So, anyway, there's my two cents on the matter. I highly recommend it to anybody who is looking for an entertaining watch.

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