Monday, September 29, 2008

Bailout Voted Down 228-205

That was a relief to read this morning. The $700B bailout was voted down. For thoroughness' sake, that's $700,000,000,000 written out. The House slapped that down 228-205. Thanks to all the people who wrote their Congressmen about how bad the issue really is. 

Ron Paul has the following thoughts on the vote, and the market's subsequent drop.

It's likely that now the poo-flinging will begin on Capitol Hill - the gloves are off, and all shreds of bipartisanship will likely be shed. You've got the group that thinks a bailout will work, then you've got the group that knows it won't.

A full list of who voted how can be found at Campaign for Liberty. If your Senators/Congressmen are on the "aye" list, it's time to write them and let them know how you feel about your tax dollars being put towards fixing big coporations' mistakes, how you feel about the socialization of the free market, and how you feel about devaluing the dollar even father than it already is by magically printing $700B out of thin air. 

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