Wednesday, April 22, 2009

NOM Commercial "Gathering Storm" Rant

Lordy help us all, this is just ridiculous. I don't think I've ever seen an advertisement that has so offended me. This commercial, sponsored by NOM (National Organization for Marriage) takes the the issue of gay marriage and completely blows it out of proportion. For me, gay marriage is a "who cares" issue. Let them do it if they want, I have no beef with that. Yet this takes that and says "them getting married impacts my whole life and threatens my stability as a person". Fuck that. If people would live their own damn lives and stop trying to make everybody else conform to their narrow beliefs, we wouldn't have crap like this. Anyway, watch this:

Ah, so some smart person decided to add subtitles to this commercial to show us what the underlying message really is. Unfortunately, the original video was removed from YouTube, because apparently, it hit a little too close to the actual mark (NOM filed a DMCA complaint). Fortunately, somebody else has posted a new copy of the video. Check it. 

It's nice to see that there are people out there who can actually cut through the crap and give us some truth. Pay attention to those subtitles, for they're what the commercial is actually talking about. 

Finally, a parody. This thing had me rolling around laughing - it's really a well-done piece of parody. Sponsored by God and Doctors.

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