Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Lightning Bug

I don't know exactly why I'm writing this... boredom maybe? Or the fact that I don't want to go to bed yet. Don't want to work tomorrow. I just finished watching this most remarkable movie called Lightning Bug. Funky title, I know, but it was truly a wonderful movie. Assuming this blog is actually read by anybody, I doubt any of you has ever heard of it. I happened to stumble upon it when browsing online. You see, I have this near obsession with a show called "The Loop" which was on Fox for all of twenty seconds or so. For some strange reason, nobody watched it. Thankfully, Fox, in all their wisdom, has decided to bring it back. For the intelligent folks out there, it starts again in January. I am eagerly counting down the days.

Anyway, I was looking up info on the cast and happened to stumble on this Lightning Bug movie in Bret Harrison's credits on IMDB. Anyhoo, despite the blah reviews it got, I found a copy and picked it up. What can I say? The premise sounded interesting. I have this flaw in that I spend far too much money on movies... I have this ridiculous movie collection for somebody my age. I take a lot of chances buying movies, because there's something about renting that I just don't like...

Thankfully, this was one of those gems that made me feel really good about buying movies I've never heard of. Despite the "experts" saying it was poorly written/acted/whatever, I really got a kick out of it. I'm not exactly sure that's the right description, but what the hey. It's billed as a horror movie, which is more true of this than many of the *other* movies I've seen this year. The horror doesn't come from any gore or deranged-psycho-serial-killer either. There's this whole darkness of the human heart thing that comes out in certain parts of the movie that is startling. I caught myself with a white-knuckled grip on my chair on more than one occasion. And to hell with the critics who whine about the acting. It was great. It had passion and heart. That, backed by a really great story full of quirks and the occasional laugh, is really hard to beat.

For the few and proud who may be reading this right now, I urge you to find a copy. And, for Pete's sake, screw your heads on straight and watch "The Loop" when it comes back on. Remember: January... it comes on after that American Idol show... whatever that is. You'll never spend a more entertaining 30 minutes anywhere.


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