Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Bill Watterson Gives a Rare Interview About Calvin and Hobbes

Bill Watterson, the author and creator of my all time favorite comic, Calvin and Hobbes, has resurfaced to give a very rare interview about his thoughts on the comic. It's a rather entertaining look into his perspective on the longevity of the strip's popularity and why people have connected with it so deeply.

Check it out.

I own the leather-bound collection of Calvin and Hobbes, and it will always have it's place on my shelves. In my humble opinion, a better comic has never been inked - nor will there ever be one.

1 comment:

cherluvya said...

Ah, nun...that was great. I LOVE Calvin and Hobbes. It really doesn't get better. The dance sequence that you chose to display was perfect. So classic and fun. You didn't have to see the "in-between" to see the movement. They have a life of their own. Loves the article. Thank you for sharing.
Always, cherluvya

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