Friday, December 04, 2009

Heroes Vol 5 Ep11 - The Fifth Stage

I'll keep this one brief. I have more important things to get to. Namely, Stargate Universe. I'm merely passing time until midnight when Hulu posts the new episode.

Sorry for the delay on the review. Heroes has kind of taken a back seat to all the other, better shows on TV right now. House, Lie to Me, Cougar Town... SGU (of course). Pretty much everything else I watch. I dunno what it is exactly, but the show is losing me. While watching, I'm quite excited about the events going on, but in between episodes, I couldn't care less. Perhaps it's because I spend so much time thinking about SGU and contributing to its online community via Twitter and the upcoming hiatus project in as many ways as I can find.

Wait, wait, I'm here for Heroes.

So, anyway, stuff happens in Heroes. We met the man with multiple personalities... literally. He... they... he goes to retrieve some files from Noah's place. Claire goes to the carnival and meets Samuel again. Did I mention that Gretchen was back?? Ugh. It was the best popcorn in the world. The funny part is that it was Gretchen who had her brain working on all cylinders. Claire, on the other hand... not so much. She is quite thoroughly manipulated, and very expertly so. Samual is very good at this whole plucking people's strings thing.

We learn that Doyle, the puppet master,  is now part of the carnival and loving it. Claire tells a story about frogs saving the world a la season 1. With frogs instead of heroes. Crazy. The kids loved the story, and Claire's emotions were thoroughly toyed. In the end... "You can't hurt us." Us being her and the carnies.

We did get a rather fascinating tour of the carnival from a customer perspective.

Worst line of the show: "I'm gonna stay."

I never thought I'd like Gretchen, but for the first time tonight, I did. Brains, for the win.

I mentioned last week... torture on Heroes. Peter, Sylar, a nail gun... and no healing powers. Sylar has a way of pushing peters buttons, but Peter had the Haitians powers, so he had mind wipe and power suppression. Peter lures Nathan out with a nigh expert use of the Haitians powers. They wander to the roof, the same roof from season 1 where Peter confronted Nathan about his ability to fly.

There was a great scene up there with Nathan and Peter where Nathan is fighting Sylar... and despite my general apathy about Nathan, Adrian Pasdar turned in one heck of a performance there. As did Milo Ventimiglia. Yet, in the end, as I said last week, Sylar won the battle. We say good bye, forever this time, to Nathan Patrelli, in what has to be the scene of the season. It was powerful, moving, and evil all rolled into one. Watch Nathan's face as he drops...

Noah gets back together with Lauren, and tells her about her self-Haitian. Mister Multiples steals files from Noah.

The only thing we really learn in this episode is that Samuel doesn't actually want Claire. He wants somebody else, likely Noah. Noah is probably the only superpower-less person who has a chance of stopping Samuel and his gang, so I could see Samuel going after him.

Anyhoo, that's all for this week. Almost time for SGU. Then a write up of that show.

Best: Gretchen (Did I really just say that???)
Worst: Naive little Claire and her easily manipulated self.
Best Line: There were really no good or standout lines in this episode. None.

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