Thursday, October 23, 2008

Sad Days

Well, it's been kind of a while since I've updated this, but today feels like a day that I need to write.

Tom, one of the supervisors that works with me, died this morning due to complications that arose from a surgery to remove his spleen. We were not close, but he was this kind of goofy guy that I interacted with several times a week. He never failed to make me smile, even when I hated the world. Though we weren't close personal friends, I will miss our meetings and his odd and joyous sense of humor. My condolences go out to his wife and kids. I'm so sorry for your loss.

Today has been a blur. Not a fast one, per se, but my mind stopped working after the news. Everything going on around me seems so inconsequential. There was so much that I wanted to write about in this blog post, but today has seemed to make it matter not at all. The atmosphere is glum, the people around me numb. It's hard to grasp that Tom will never poke his head into my cube and make the ok/asshole sign with his hand. Hard to imagine not being able to hear his quirky pirate jokes any more. 

RIP, Tom.

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