Tuesday, July 01, 2008

I've Got Nothing Clever for the Title (EXcePt the SHifT KEY)

4 day work weeks should be standard. 3 day weekends ftw!

When my family first decided that living in BFE was a good idea, they were torn between which school district to move into. There was the Woodland Park school district, which was small, but a bit crowded for it's size. Then there was the Cripple Creek school district, which was small, smaller, smallest, and (though I didn't realize it at the time) quite underfunded. The real estate agent was quite insistent on the things in the CC school district, and my parents were starting to get up on the idea too. The agent's interest really went no further than the fact that the homes nearer CC were generally priced higher, and my parents, well, they were quite taken with the word "scholarship". which the realitor dropped constantly. "The school in Cripple Creek *cough* scholarship *cough* is great..."

We ended up moving into the WP district, and I wonder now what would be different about my life had I not gone to Woodland Park High School....

I would not have a certain friend named Justin whom I met in graphic design class over loud bouts of Unreal Tournament. That would be sad, because I might not be sitting here today.

I probably wouldn't have worked at Burger King, and instead ended up at some rinky-dink place in CC. I got the job at BK because of a guy I went to school with in WP. Without BK, I never would have had my first apartment experience (with all of its lessons learned), never would have met a guy named Brian Hansen, who worked at WOW!, alerted me to the place's existence, and turned in my resume. So I wouldn't be working here. Without WOW!, I wouldn't have the supporting cast of friends I have now, and that would be reason to be sad.

It's stunning how one simple decision altered the course of my life. I'm not a religious person in even the smallest measure, but I do believe that everybody is connected through their actions, some more directly than others. A decision my parents made 11 years ago directly affected everything in my life thereafter.

It's a Wonderful Life does a great job of illustrating this point. Think about the idea of a whole town changing just because one person wasn't in it. That's powerful stuff.

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