Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Iron Man 2 Trailer #1 Now Showing

Last year, we were treated to the surprise breakout superhero hit movie in Iron Man. Next year, we will be treated to the follow up. The first trailer has been posted online, it's spreading like wildfire! Back is all the witty and egotistical humor of Tony Stark - as played by the fantastic Robert Downey Jr (I maintain that he was born to play this role, given his real life parallels). Plus, the cast has seriously been bolstered for the second iteration. Mickey Rourke plays the new villain Whiplash. You may remember Mickey from that little film called The Wrestler. I have a genuine soft spot for that movie (much like my soft spot for pretty much every movie Darren Aronofsky has ever touched). Plus Gweneth Paltrow returns as the lovely Pepper Potts. Additionally, we get Scarlett Johansson, Sam Rockwell (starred solo in Moon - great movie, btw), and Samuel L. Jackson (that's Samuel L. Fucking Jackson!!!).

Plus you also get a bonus appearance: Stan Lee as (wait for it...) Larry King. ROFLcopter

What more could you ask for?

Oh, you could ask for the actual trailer instead of my talking about it. Well, it's not up on the YouTube yet, and therefore not embeddable, but mash on over to Apple's website for a look-see. It does require Quicktime though.

1 comment:

cherluvya said...

ROFLcopter...okay that is a new one. I LOVE Iron Man. Loved your review..LOVED the trailer. So so GREAT. Can't not wait for it...hehehe

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