Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Nunchux Wishing You and Yours a Very Merry Christmas

funny pictures of cats with captions

Monday, December 21, 2009

Review - Avatar

Spoiler Danger Low

So, on Saturday, I watched Avatar in theaters. I must admit that I wasn't particularly excited about the movie prior to its release. I was put off by the early trailers that spoke highly of the effects but didn't hint at any sort of depth to the story or characters. But, a couple of weeks ago, a real trailer was released, and that's when I started to get excited.

So, anyway, I was supposed to see the movie at the Thursday night/Friday morning midnight showing, but the theater sold out before I had the chance to purchase tickets. Instead, I went on Saturday with my best friend, his girlfriend, and a slew of her friends. Drama ensued as the other group purchased tickets separately, and they ended up purchasing tickets to the 7:30 showing instead of the 7:00 showing they told me we were going to. After much hubbub, we did finally end up in the same showing. And what a show it was.

Avatar, in a phrase, kicks ass.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Iron Man 2 Trailer #1 Now Showing

Last year, we were treated to the surprise breakout superhero hit movie in Iron Man. Next year, we will be treated to the follow up. The first trailer has been posted online, it's spreading like wildfire! Back is all the witty and egotistical humor of Tony Stark - as played by the fantastic Robert Downey Jr (I maintain that he was born to play this role, given his real life parallels). Plus, the cast has seriously been bolstered for the second iteration. Mickey Rourke plays the new villain Whiplash. You may remember Mickey from that little film called The Wrestler. I have a genuine soft spot for that movie (much like my soft spot for pretty much every movie Darren Aronofsky has ever touched). Plus Gweneth Paltrow returns as the lovely Pepper Potts. Additionally, we get Scarlett Johansson, Sam Rockwell (starred solo in Moon - great movie, btw), and Samuel L. Jackson (that's Samuel L. Fucking Jackson!!!).

Plus you also get a bonus appearance: Stan Lee as (wait for it...) Larry King. ROFLcopter

What more could you ask for?

Oh, you could ask for the actual trailer instead of my talking about it. Well, it's not up on the YouTube yet, and therefore not embeddable, but mash on over to Apple's website for a look-see. It does require Quicktime though.

Monday, December 14, 2009

SGU Renewed for Season 2

OK, so I should be in bed right now, but my phone has been going crazy with people telling me that Stargate Universe was renewed for a second season! Now, I've long suspected that it would be renewed. Aside from the fact that it's a great show - the best on TV currently - it pulls in some great ratings. In fact, I've seen rumors online that the strong ratings from both SGU and Sanctuary have propelled SyFy to the 4th highest rated basic cable network. Pretty impressive.

Monday, December 07, 2009

Avatar Next Weekend

OK, so now I want to see this movie. This trailer has convinced me. Previously, there were complaints that the trailers weren't showing any depth of character or story (both thtings that James Cameron is known for), but this trailer rectifies that. That, and the fact that I've been looking forward to seeing Sam Worthington in a movie that wasn't trash (ahem, Terminator). Behold, the revelatory trailer inside.

Saturday, December 05, 2009

Stargate Universe - Justice

Welcome to my first ever episode writeup for Stargate Universe. I'm very excited about this, especially since this episode was so damned good. And we will get to that in a second. First and foremost, SGU is now on hiatus for a very long time. Until April-ish in fact, which is almost 5 months away. This is rather distressing, as the ending to this one definitely left me wanting - no, needing - to see what else is in store.

But, fear not, the Hiatus Project is here. For the next few months, every Friday night, we'll be meeting up for a group chat during regular SGU time (9:00 EST). Hang out with cool people, learn the SGU drinking game from the queen of the game, maybe even a few special guests. If you're interested, head over to Colonel_Ez's blog for full details.

Onto the show. I'll try to keep the spoilers to an absolute minimum.

Friday, December 04, 2009

Heroes Vol 5 Ep11 - The Fifth Stage

I'll keep this one brief. I have more important things to get to. Namely, Stargate Universe. I'm merely passing time until midnight when Hulu posts the new episode.

Sorry for the delay on the review. Heroes has kind of taken a back seat to all the other, better shows on TV right now. House, Lie to Me, Cougar Town... SGU (of course). Pretty much everything else I watch. I dunno what it is exactly, but the show is losing me. While watching, I'm quite excited about the events going on, but in between episodes, I couldn't care less. Perhaps it's because I spend so much time thinking about SGU and contributing to its online community via Twitter and the upcoming hiatus project in as many ways as I can find.

Wait, wait, I'm here for Heroes.

Thursday, December 03, 2009

This About Sums it Up...

In lieu of actually blogging about politics today, I will share this graph instead. Enjoy.

funny graphs and charts
see more Funny Graphs

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