Thursday, October 29, 2009

Where is Southland?

So, readers of this blog may remember that last year, I was thoroughly enjoying myself watching NBC's Southland - a real and gritty show about Los Angeles cops, a show about people with little fluff to speak of. In any case, the show was supposed to have its season 2 premiere in late September. NBC decided to push the premiere back to October 23, citing wanting to not get the show lost amidst the umpteen hundred other shows coming out in September. That seemed all well and good, but October 23 came and went, and I still have not seen the premiere for my favotire damned cop show. Dammit.

Nobody seems to have any news about a new proposed start date, at least not that I can find.

EDIT - Well, I found it. Please forgive me while I jump up and down and throw a tantrum. NBC has axed the show.

Insert tantrum throwing here along with many, many very bad words directed at the IDIOTS in charge at NBC. IDIOTS! $%@$#%$@^@%^@%^@#$%@#$%@#$^^%&@#$%&#$%@#$!$%.

I am mad beyond words at the moment, so truly mad. I hate, hate, HATE it when I get emotionally invested in a show then it is canceled. Southland, Arrested Development, October Road, and countless others over the years. This is why I stopped watching TV in the first place. They can leave senseless drivel like Law and Order on the air, but theyfinally come out with a real cop show with real characters... and they ditch it after giving it a small go. Pardon my French, but FUCK THAT.

It is slightly heartening to see that NBC appears to be shopping the show around to some cable networks, so maybe we'll get to see the show on a network with the cajones to make it work. In the meantime, fuck NBC. I knew there was a reason that I stopped watching shows on that network a looooooong time ago.

So, on the off chance that somebody from the show happens upon this blog, I'm rooting for ya.
If somebody from another network happens to read this, pick this show up - it's gold!
If somebody from NBC sees this, eat shit.

That is all.

EDIT - We will get to continue watching Southland, as TNT has picked up the broadcast rights from the dingbats over at NBC. Look for it to come back sometime in January. Thanks to Jason for finding that for me!


Jason said...

You can thank me later for letting you know about that so early in the day.

Brian (Nunchux) said...

I'll thank you now instead!

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