Thursday, May 21, 2009

TV Shows News

This time of year always scares me a bit, particularly since many of the shows I like are on the chopping block year after yaer. Sure, shows like House and Burn Notice are shoo-ins for reneewal every year, but other shows I love, like my favorite Supernatural, are always right on the precipice. 

Fortunately, CW has announced that Supernatural will be returning for it's fifth season. According to its creator, Eric Kripke, the fifth season is supposed to be the last in the story arc, so there should be no more Supernatural after this season. That's at once depressing and exhilerating. That means that, so longs as CW doesn't demand the show be renewed for a sixth season, that we will get to see the show end on its creator's terms, and that's how a show should go out. I'm excited to see what Kripke has in store for us with the fifth and final season. I'm so excited, in fact, you might even call it giddy.

I was actually quite nervous about it not being renewed this season - Dawn Ostroff, president of CW, has been quite vocal about making the CW into a channel watch only by teenaged girls who can tweet and blog about how wonderful the station's happenings are. Supernatural definitely does not appeal to that demographic, pulling in the males ages 18-34 mostly. Color me surprised by their decision to keep this show, though I do know that the followers of this show love it. Every year there is an online petition (at least one) to keep the show on the air. Its regular viewers (myself included) are very devoted to seeing Kripke's end to the story. So, surprised though I may be, I am just pumped that it will see the fifth season. 

Sorry to all you Terminator folks out there, but Sarah Conner Chronicles has officially gotten the axe. 

ABC's got a couple of interesting new things coming their way. Courtney Cox comes back to TV (after her hilarious show Dirt was cancelled by FX) in her new comedy Cougar Town. The preview for it is absolutely hilarious. It also answers the question - what happened to Sylar's protege from Heroes?

Second up, ABC has Happy Town (lots of "towns" this year). This looks like it could be just great. ABC is using the fact that they aired Twin Peaks (another cult hit TV show) to start out their advertising for this one. It looks to be a small town horror show that seems better for mini series rather than a full blown affair. If they handle the intriguing storyline well, it could be the breakout hit of the season. Besides, it's got Sam Neil! SAM NEIL!!!

Finally, ABC is rebooting V, a show about aliens who come to our planet offering gifts and peace, but whose ultimate goal is to take over the planet. I was kind of ho-hum about this show, up until I heard the following lines: 

"They're arming themselves with the most powerful weapon out there."
"What's that?"

It also seems strangely relevant to our current political times.

"Just be sure not to ask anything that would paint us in a negative light."

Wow. Count me in. This promises to be a character-driven show, so I'm also quite excited about that. I'll be watching this as soon as it hits the air.

"But that's the danger - gratitude can morph into worship."

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