Thursday, December 04, 2008

Very Exciting is hosting a competition. The grand prize is rather cool: 1 Zune and a copy of the Gears of War 2 Soundtrack signed by composer Steve Jablonsky. 4 runners up will receive a signed copy of the soundtrack. You can find all the information about the contest here.

I have already entered the contest. To enter, you need to answer a question related to the soundtrack, the answer to which isn't very hard to find. You've got until 12/17.

And, go!

Edit: So it turns out that The Knight Shift is also hosting a contest to win signed copies of the Gears of War 2 soundtrack. Damn, this is exciting. You can get all the details right over here. You've got until 12/18 to enter this one.

Enter both, double your chances.

Okay, now go!

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