Monday, November 24, 2008

NOW I'm excited about Star Trek

So, I'm not a Star Trek fan in any sense of the word. That fact kind of impugns my self-made geek image, but I just have never been able to bring myself to watch the cheesiness that has been Star Trek from its inception until now. Even news that J.J. Abrams and Bad Robot (the group behind one of my all-time favorite movies, Cloverfield) failed to excite me too much, yet I have been keeping tabs, just to see. So, I ended up downloading the new trailer on my 360, and I was pleasantly surprised by what I saw. Most notably, Zachary Quinto, the reason I watch Heroes, is Spock. Check it:

Photos Courtesy of IMDB

I'm sold. I'll be seeing it in IMAX for sure now. Also of note, check out the first portion of the trailer. Very un-Star-Trekkie. It gives me hope for a less cheesy future for the franchise. 

More awesome news: the best movie score of the year is getting the royal treatment. Hans Zimmer and James Newton Howard created a masterful and epic score for The Dark Knight (which I wrote about here and here), and now it is being released in its entirety... as in, not mixed for CD, but every track, as it appears (er... is heard) in the movie, spanning 2 CDs. It comes out December 9; check it out on Amazon.

In more movie news, Seven Pounds comes out soon, and by soon, I mean in about a month (Dec 19). I have become a huge fan of Will Smith recently. It seems that throughout his career, he's been in movies that have been different for the times in which they came out. Think back to Independence Day, which was ahead of the space creatures curve that soon followed; I, Robot (which was good or bad depending on your take); and more recently, I Am Legend (which was a remake, yes, but still, it stood out from everything else that came out around that time); Pursuit of Happyness; and now Seven Pounds. I'm quite excited to actually see the movie. The previews look phenomenal. 

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