Sunday, May 14, 2006

A month later....

So, one month after posting my first blog, here I am writing my second one. Go me. I'm at work today, and bored silly. Sometimes, I wish working for a living wasn't a necessity. Sometimes, when I'm really tired, I find myself thinking that I could actually get by without working ever again. I'd just spend my savings buying lottery tickets or something and one of them would surely win. One would have to. Or I'd end up working again. God forbid. The scary thing is, even though I know this will never happen, I find myself on some days almost convinced that is is going to. Stupid.

The Da Vinci Code comes out on Friday, and I'm looking forward to that. It was one of those books that was poorly written (sorry, Dan Brown fans), but it was just screaming to be made into a movie. And with the cast Ron Howard has managed to build for the movie, it's going to be an instant classic. Speaking of movies, why couldn't Tom Cruise have, I don't know, died in the shooting of MI:3? Just curious.

I've spent the last almost 2 weeks loving Tool's new CD 10,000 Days, which may be the second best CD ever, behind the album this blog is named for. Not to advertise, but everybody should pick it up.

Bravo to Steven Colbert for standing up in front of President Bush and telling it how it is. I almost cried.


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